Saturday 6 July 2013

30 Day ABs Challenge: Day 26-30

I dropped the ball with updates on the challenge. Yes the final week was tough, between illness & the onoin issue with my foot, my concentration was shot to hell.

'Day 26 - 30 of 30: I'm going to be sticking to 300 jumping jacks from here on out. Once I get into it, the pain isn't such a problem but I can't shake the feeling that something isn't right with the foot, plus foot no 2 has started giving me some bad vibes now.

I stick to the my usual plan of adding 10 to all the sets (see pic), although on day 30 I leave it at 200 crunches, 200 is a very good number. Day 27 leg raises were just awful (well they've all been very challenging but Day 27 was particularly difficult & on Day 29 I just wanted it to end.  I held a 140secs plank on Day 30!!! Can you believe I can plank for 2minutes and 20 seconds. This I am soo damn proud off (discovered my record from the group exercises has been 2min 30secs, even better).'

The challenge is over!!! I should have done 1,610 sit ups, 2115 crunches, 904 leg raises, 1,397 seconds (23.2 minutes) of plank. I know I've done more than that.
The jumping jacks challenge was set for 6,000. I exceeded that so I set a personal challenge of 9,000....unfortunately I did not get that & only did 7,500. A little disappointed but still kinda proud of the fact I did something I never would have thought of before.
I even did 20 full push ups...yeeeaaah baby!!
The feeling of finishing & finishing well is amazing. I smile at the days I really didn't want to get out of ed to do it, I smile at the days that all I could think was making time to reached the days quota & I even smile at this rather difficult week I was able to get though. Proud of the little thing as well as the big.

So moment of truth, do I see a difference in my body. Honestly no I don't see it (though I have been told by
others that there is). What I do know for sure is that my core is much stronger & I'm feeling much fitter & for that I am very happy. The challenges were more about pushing myself more than anything is & so I plan to keep it up. I am already looking at other physical challenges (there's a squat one now & I'm looking for a nice gentle push up one) which I will keep updating on.

So thank you very much for definitely kept me going. Thanks for the feedback, please keep them coming including any other ideas!!xxx

Get involved, enjoy together: See more challenges and updates at and  

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